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Harmodius and Aristogeiton 哈尔摩狄奥斯和阿里斯托革顿

2背 景

The principal historical sources covering the two are Thucydides in his History of the Peloponnesian War (VI, 56-59) and The Constitution of the Athenians (XVIII) attributed to Aristotle or his school, but their story is documented by a great many other ancient writers, such as Herodotus and Plutarch. Herodotus claimed that Harmodius and Aristogeiton presumably were "Gephyraeans" i.e. Boeotians of Syrian or Phoenician origin. Plutarch in his book On the malice of Herodotus criticized Herodotus for prejudice and misrepresentation and he argued that Harmodius and Aristogeiton were Euboeans or Eretrians.
Peisistratus seized power in 561 BC and established a dictatorial regime. Peisistratus is usually called atyrant, but in archaic Greek the word tyrannos does not mean a cruel and despotic ruler, merely one who took power by force. Peisistratus was in fact a very popular ruler, who made Athens wealthy and powerful, although the old aristocratic families he had driven from power hated him. When Peisistratus died in 528/527 BC, his sonHippias, with the help of his younger brother Hipparchus, retained power. The two continued their father's policies, but their popularity declined after Hipparchus began to abuse the power of his position.
Hipparchus invited Harmodius' young sister to be the kanephoros (to carry the ceremonial offering basket) at the Panathenaea festival, and then publicly chased her away on the pretext she was not a virgin, as required. This was an offense of such magnitude to Harmodius' family that he, together with Aristogeiton who was already fired by feelings of jealousy due to Hipparchus having made unrequited sexual advances toward Harmodius (possibly the motivation for Hipparchus's humiliation of Harmodius's sister), resolved to assassinate both Hippias and Hipparchus and thus to overthrow the tyranny.
According to Aristotle, it was Thessalos, the hot-headed son of Peisistratus´ Argive concubine and thus half-brother to Hipparchus, who was the one to court Harmodius and drive off his sister.
主要的历史来源覆盖两个是修昔底德在他的伯罗奔尼撒战争史(VI,56至59)和雅典的宪法(十八)归因于亚里士多德或他的学校,但他们的故事,记录了许多其他古代作家,如希罗多德和普鲁塔克。希罗多德[ 1 ]宣称哈尔摩狄奥斯和阿里斯托革顿大概是“gephyraeans”即叙利亚或腓尼基起源boeotians。普鲁塔克在他对希罗多德的恶意书批评希罗多德的偏见和虚假陈述,他认为哈尔摩狄奥斯和阿里斯托革顿是euboeans或Eretrians。[ 2 ]
喜帕恰斯邀请哈马笛斯的妹妹是kanephoros(执行仪式的供品篮)在泛雅典娜节节,然后公开追她离开她不是处女的借口,要求。这是一个进攻如此巨大哈马笛斯的家庭,他,连同阿里斯托革顿谁已经因具有无偿性喜走向哈尔摩狄奥斯嫉妒情绪解雇(可能为喜帕恰斯的羞辱哈尔摩狄奥斯姐姐的动机),决定刺杀希庇亚斯和依巴谷从而推翻了暴政。[ 3 ]
根据亚里士多德的说法,这是thessalos,热为首的儿子庇西特拉图´希腊妾从而半兄弟喜帕恰斯,谁是一个法院哈马笛斯开走了他的妹妹。[ 4 ]

3Ancient histories